Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Hot or Not - does it really matter? (TWHP Blog 6/10/09)

While I was trying to figure out what to write about this week on this lovely blog, I did a simple google search for Women In Politics, hoping it would inspire and make me write a genius blog post.
Instead, I found this article: :
“The 10 Hottest Women in Liberal Politics”.
While this guy seems fairly respectful and acknowledged that women in politics have enough to deal with as it is without people judging them on how they wear their hair or what color shirt they’re wearing; it did make me think.
Do these kinds of list have any kind of affect – good or bad - on the influence any of these women have in the media or politics? Or does it not matter? Some of my friends from school have said they’re always so surprised when they hear any kind of smart political thinking come from a pretty woman’s mouth – do these women and lists like this help debunk that myth that political women are unattractive women? Or, am I just over thinking everything?

Leave your thoughts in the comments!

PS – I’ll be volunteering tomorrow at the conference for the National Council for Research On Women (where I interned in summer 2006 and summer 2008!). Look forward to a blog post about it next week!

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