Tuesday, February 3, 2009

State of the Business:

http://www.onthemedia.org/episodes/2009/01/30/segments/122507 - Click on "transcript" :)

"Out on a Limb-augh" from On The Media on NPR

Text of Limbaugh's quote about Obama: "I don't need 400 words, I need 4: I hope he fails!"
-- Discussion Questions --

Limbaugh is famous for twisting or even making up facts, and attacking people based on personal and ridiculous things. Do we as journalists and as the "watchdog" have the responsibility to call him out?

Many people listen to Limbaugh, and believe everything he says at face value - including the things that aren't always true. How do we gain that audience back and create shows and material they would want to watch that has been fact-checked and double checked? Do we have a commitment to entertain as well as inform?

Many media outlets played this quote about Limbaugh's wishes for Obama over and over again. Should we play this quote over and over? Should we as the media and as journalists give him the time of day and the power he likely wants and craves? Do we have a responsibility to, because it is in the news, or are we simply fanning the fire?

What does this blurred line between pundits and journalists mean for the future?

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