Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Inauguration 09

Hey all,

Hopefully you were able to get down to the National Mall - I didn't wake up til around 8 AM, and was worried about potentially missing the inauguration because of all the craziness on the metro, and stuck around campus. It was interesting to see campus basically barren! I also heard some crazy horror stories about being turned away or having tickets with terrible views from people who came back to campus before the ceremonies began ... hope that didn't happen to any of you!!

I twittered the event in the Tavern. Check out some updates from my morning on

(On a side note, it is so FANTASTIC that he is now our president. After working on his campaign, I feel like I was truly a part of history - It's almost too good to be true! Now we can all be proud of our country again! :])

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